Five Top Tips for Your First Day

By Liz Cordin, Student Services Senior Administrator & Libraries Officer

September Skinny

Hello, I’m Liz and I’m going to be part of your support team when you come as a brand-new student in the Autumn. I don’t know about you but when I think about education, I instantly envisage pencil cases, school uniforms and for some reason, conkers. I think I am mostly just giving my age away, but the point I want to make is, embrace this time of newness and possibility.

When I speak new students, one of the first things I hear is, “I’ve wanted to do this for such a long time, it feels right to me to do this now.” You have chosen a course that could start you on a new career – that can feel big. So, take a breath and a moment to realise that this is you, starting out as a trainee and have a look through my tips for starting in education – I hope they help!

Tip one – Find out about support staff

Here at the College, we have a team of people – as well as your tutors – who are here to help you succeed and have an enjoyable student experience. The support team (myself included) will be around to guide you through the practicalities of your course. If you need anything pop into Reception and ask or drop me a line. It keeps me social, and I really need to work on my image as a secluded plant lady!

I trained at Iron Mill and my first tutor was fantastic. I will be forever indebted to her experience, wisdom, and kindness. Day one felt like being guided onto the runway for the flight I always wanted to take, I was excited to see where this journey would take me and how my group and I would bond together and I was not disappointed.

Tip two – Decide what you want to share and what you don’t

It’s not always about coursework. Training starts on day one. Your first days are about meeting each other but they can also mirror the boundaries you will make with clients and people around you as you progress. Give thought to what you are happy to share, and what you want to keep back for yourself.

In counselling and psychotherapy, YOU are a big part of the workspace.

Tip three – Make time to reflect

My experience is that you need to look after yourself. You’re going to spend time with your group, but also a lot of time with yourself. Sometimes, the day will wake up thoughts and feelings that you had no idea you were keeping. You may want to give yourself some time to prepare and reflect. Find yourself a journal and pen that you like, but (mentioning no names) beware a terrible stationery habit! Nothing to see here, moving on....

Tip Four – Allocate time to get in and out of the training mindset

Find a bit of time, perhaps on your journey into college, to set your mind to the day. Try doing the same on the way home to put some space between you and the day. We have outside space if you need to get some air.

Tip Five – Prepare your physical assets

Bring a notepad and something you can lean on. Think about wearing something comfortable and bring layers. Some like it hot and others will want windows open. We have tea and coffee and kitchen areas where you can heat food up.

This is an exciting time – starting out on a journey of discovery and a stepping stone to a new career. Embrace the journey, but prepare for it. It will challenge you, it will enlighten you, it will change you. Enjoy!

Liz Cordin
Student Services Senior Administrator & Libraries Officer

Written August 2024

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